Campers Chime In: What Camp Ortoha Means to Me...

News from Camp Ortoha typically makes its way down the hill on Wednesday evenings, so we are looking forward to providing you with an update about how Middle School Week is going soon! (What we CAN say, so far, is that we have a wonderful turnout this year - about 30 middle schoolers are joining us, and they have a sunny forecast in store for the rest of the week!) 

Until more news is available, though, we couldn't pass up this chance to provide some incredible responses that the High Schoolers from last week were kind enough to write down for us. Please read, and enjoy with us, the wonderful responses to the question:

"What does Camp Ortoha mean to me?"

"Ortoha is a camp of memories, fun, God and Camp Ortoha I 
have made life-long friends." -Jordan

"We learn more about Jesus and have fun doing it." -Jacob

"For me, Ortoha is a time for God. It gives me a chance to connect with 
Him. Also it is a chance for me to see my friends, some of which I only 
see once a year...Camp is a place where you can make really special 
memories." -Kasey

"It is a place that reminds me that I can find Christian friends who are 
cool - unlike what I seem to find at school. Camp is a place to escape 
from the craziness of life and make connections with God and with 
friends new and old...Camp is going to be one of the things I will miss 
the most when I go to college." -Nathan

"I have met many great friends. I have become more in touch with the 
Lord." -Cameron

"Camp Ortoha will always be remembered - the friends, the speakers, the 
food, the games...Camp Ortoha will always be an unforgettable part of my 
life." -Dylan

"Ortoha means family... not only teaching kids about the word of God but 
unity and love." -Abbey

"...I get a refreshing time with God...I went to a Christian school for 9 
years and now I go to a public school and I miss the God thing..." -Sam

"Ortoha means the world to me! I get excited from the second that camp 
ends until the second I get to camp again the next year... Everyone at 
camp is like a family in the way we act with each other." -Kerstin

"Camp Ortoha is a place to unplug and unwind and spend some time with God 
and other is a simple camp to get a break from the 
complicated world." -Shawn

"...those memories and fellowship will uniquely affect every moment of my 
future life... I am very glad I have a chance to help out as a counselor 
and bring a new camp experience to the next generation... hopefully one 
similar to my amazing experience." -Zion

"...I don't study the Bible like I should and coming to camp always makes 
me think about Jesus... it gives me a spiritual experience and brings me 
closer to Jesus and friends. Always has and always will." -Dylan

"...Through games, conversations, laughter, delicious food, relationships 
and music, God's grace was evident. I was challenged, supported, loved 
and included in 70 years of Ortoha's history." -Nate

"...Camp Ortoha has changed me forever! It gave me soooo many memories 
that I'm going to keep close to my heart..." -Sammie